Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Know Your Body ( Male Fitness )

There are broadly three body types, and knowing what type you are is absolutely mandatory for understanding the workout and diet you need.

Did you ever notice how some people can eat whatever they want and never put on weight while some gain fat a lot easier? The reason for this is genetics. There are 3 different body types – Endomorph Mesomorph and Ectomorph. Knowing which of these you belong to will help you understand why certain aspects of diet and workout are harder and slower or easier and quicker for you than they are for other people. The main differences between the three types are metabolism speed and bone structure.

ENDOMORPH body types often have big bones, large trunk and thighs. They have a naturally high degree of body fat, especially around the midsection, that is, a pear-shaped body. They usually struggle to control their weight, because of slower metabolism and the inability to exert enough effort to burn the required calories. It's important for the endomorph to eat frequently and keep metabolism high. While a reduction in calories is needed, the basic nutrition needs must still be met in order to retain the lean muscle tissue that burns calories.

Workout: Training for the endomorph body should be fast and higher repetitions. This does not mean low intensity. The goal is to burn as many calories possible while retaining muscle mass.

* Burning calories and fat (aerobic / cardio) should be a priority.
* Opt for activities like circuit and full body strength training.
* Light weight training will do wonders.

Diet: This body type must be very careful with carbohydrates. Make sure that most of the carbs eaten come from complex carbohydrate sources. High protein intake will help in muscle retention. Hydration and fibre-intake are top priority.

MESOMORPH body types are mostly athletic. They are symmetric, have broader shoulders and good posture. As their muscles are powerful, moderate to heavy weights are required to stimulate growth. They are capable of a lot of physical activity. They generally store fat equally in all parts of the body, but can become overweight if they consume high fat and high calorie food. Mesomorph who are overweight have the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Workout: They can use higher reps and lighter weights. They can use advanced techniques like drop sets, circuit training, high-intensity cardio, moderate weights, core and strength training and super sets. Over-training should be avoided, for this body type can be prone to injury.

Diet: This body type needs to include a wide variety of foods.

* Make protein intake a priority to build and sustain strong muscles. One pound of body weight requires 1.5gms or more of protein.
* Increase calorie intake when exercising. Eat slow absorbing carbohydrates like vegetables and brown rice.
* Eat six smaller meals to maintain stamina and metabolism.

ECTOMORPH body types on the other hand are slow gainers. To gain muscles mass effectively, they need to slow down their metabolism to gain strength. To boost muscles mass development, they need to undertake strenuous exercise routines.

Workout: You must choose the exercises that require maximum muscles contraction to get desired results. Also, stretching is a must before any exercises to avoid injuries. Exercise is very important to keep you healthy. Hiking and running are good for you.

Diet: Ectomorphs should increase the calories in their diet and take in a high percentage of proteins and carbohydrates. They should eat frequently. Stay away from salads, raw and cold food that has been in the fridge for a long time.

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