Saturday, July 31, 2010

Amazing Makeup Tips for Eyes, Lips and Face

You’re Eyes:

1. For great looking eyes make sure to use powder shadows for a natural look and an eyeliner pencil for drama at night. Make sure the liner has a smudge tip at one end to get that smoky eye look. Only line the top of the eye is you're looking tired. You don't want to bring more attention to dark circles under the eyes. Neutral tones with a hint of color are flattering on everybody.

2. For sheen on the eyelids, dab a bit of Vaseline for a pretty reflective quality, as well as moisture.

3. Open up the eye with a gold/beige shimmery high lighter onto the brow bone.

4. Don't throw away cash on an expensive eye makeup remover! Find a pretty glass bottle and fill it with baby shampoo.

5. If your cream eye shadow dries out, use a few drops of water or mineral oil to soften it up again.

6. Potatoes, like cucumbers, will reduce the appearance of dark, under-eye circles.

You’re Lips:
1. Use blush as a lipstick, then use clear gloss or lip balm over it. Longer staying power.

2. Natural ingredients have been used for centuries as makeup: apply beet juice to lips and cheeks as a stain, or mix it with melted bees wax to make your own lip balm! Cayenne pepper can plump the lips, but use with caution!

3. Use eye makeup remover to treat super dry, chapped lips. It's a great nighttime lip treatment!

You’re Face:

1. For a longer lasting foundation try a product with silicone. The silicone creates a sweat-proof and smudge resistant second skin. For me, I find it helps with my rosacea because the live yeast extract has healing powers.

2. A powder bronzer under blush can really even out skin tone. I dab my brush in the bronzer, then into the blush and lightly cover my whole face.

3. For a new bronzer, use a foundation that is two to three shades darker than your skin tone and apply where you would use your bronzer. In a pinch you could use a brown eye shadow.

4. Papaya mixed with plain yogurt into a paste makes a great exfoliating mask for all skin types!

5. Use an egg white mask for a quick fix for diminishing the appearance of pores.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Tips for a healthy living


Here is an important tip for the hot hot summer...

It’s important to prevent the UV radiation from entering your skin!!

· Seek the shade, especially during the sun's peak hours (12-3pm)
· Wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher.
· Cover up with clothing, especially a broad-brimmed hat and UV-blocking sunglasses. · Get vitamin D safely through a healthy diet that includes vitamin supplements


Honey is a natural antiseptic, moisturiser and because of all its antioxidants, it is an anti age fighter as well.

Use a small amount on insect bites or blisters since it has a natural protective salve which seals out further infections and it creates a moist healing environment within.

Do you know any other use for honey... let us know


1. Don't eat fruits immediately

2. Don't drink tea

3. Don't loosen your belt

4. Don't bathe

5. Don't sleep immediately


Watermelons are a good source of antioxidants that help your body detox, as well as fight infections, ageing and inflammation. The seeds are also rich in antioxidants.

Take advantage of these benefits, by blending chunks of watermelon to release the goodness in the seeds. This is great to drink when you are hungover!


Starting with the basics, tomatoes contain large amounts of vitamin C. They also contain vitamin A, potassium, and 7 percent of the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of iron for women and 10 percent RDA for men. The red pigment contained in tomatoes is called lycopene. This compound appears to act as an antioxidant, neutralizing free radicals that can damage cells in the body.

When choosing your tomatoes, be sure to pick those with the most brilliant shades of red. These indicate the highest amounts of beta-carotene and lycopene. Though raw tomatoes are great for you, cooking them releases even more of the benefits. Lycopene is located in the cell wall of the tomato, so by cooking it, this healing compound is more fully released. In addition cooking the tomato in olive oil allows your body to absorb the lycopene better. Tomatoes don't lose any of their nutritional value in high heat processing, making canned tomatoes and tomato sauce both just as viable and beneficial as fresh tomatoes.

Wishing u are in pink(or rather red) of health...


Lets start with the benefits of fruits...

Bananas give a substantial instant and sustained boost of energy. They can help overcome or prevent many illnesses and conditions. Bananas contain vitamin B which calms the nervous system as well as potassium, which is depleted in times of stress. This coupled with the low salt content, makes them heart-healthy. Tryptophan is converted by the body into serotonin, a relaxant and mood improver. The vitamin B6 also regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood, as well as help avoid morning sickness.

Bananas are high in iron. A high fibre content can restore regular bowel action. The banana is used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and smoothness. It is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in over-chronicler cases. It also neutralizes over-acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of the stomach.

One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to make a banana milkshake, sweetened with honey. The banana calms the stomach and, with the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and re-hydrates your system. Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try rubbing the affected area with the inside of a banana skin. Many people find it amazingly successful at reducing swelling and irritation.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

No Time For Gym? Lose Weight anyway

Keen to lose weight, but no time to hit Weight loss the gym?

"It often happens that we end up missing on time to indulge in calorie-burning in an anticipation of triggering off a full-on fitness regime," says fitness exert Kiran Swahney.

So, why not dig out occasions some where in the course of the day and cash in some real time to burn the fat. We recommend you 20 physical and foodie alterations for weight loss... embrace them and staying fit won't be a long cherished dream any more!

"On foot is a stylish way to exercise as its easy, versatile, kind to your joints and doesn't require conjuring too much of paraphernalia. So involve walking as much as you can in your routine." says L.Balasubramaniam, Technogym Olympic Master Trainer.

1. Get up and walk around your office or home: This should happen at least every two hours for 5 minutes. This brisk five-minute walk every two hours will give you an extra 20-minute walk by the end of the day without making any special efforts.

2. Wash something thoroughly once a week: Be it the floor, a couple of windows, the shower stall, bathroom tiles or your car...anything that makes you don your cleaning gloves and exert some pressure on your hands and elbows burns nearly four calories for every minute spent on cleaning. A washing session of 30 minutes and you've worked off nearly 120 calories.

3. Drop a movie for an active date: Yes, it's a weekend and you're planning to spend time with your love. Why not head to the local park rather than sit idle in a movie hall? This will not only give you a chance of walking hand in hand, but will also avoid the calories that a large bucket of butter popcorns holds in. What's more? Explore other active dating ideas like cycling together; enjoying a tennis match or a swimming championship...even losing to your love will be fun here!

4. Take a walk before dinner: Yes, you are reading it right! Walking post dinner helps in digestion and burning calories, walking before gorging on your favourite dinner cuts down on your appetite. "Twenty minutes of walking reduces appetite and increases sensations of fullness as effectively as a light meal," informs Balasubramaniam.

5. Make the most of your TV time: This one is for the cricket crazy men and soap obsessed women who spend hours being a couch potato. Now make the most out of the commercial breaks to burn some calories and tone-up your body with the following set of exercises:
As the break starts, do 25 jumping jacks.
Then jog on the spot for the count of 30.
Do 25 abdominal crunches.
Lastly, get on the floor and place your feet up on your coffee table and do 25 hip lifts. By the time the break ends, you would have burnt a major chunk of calories.

6. Kiss your partner passionately: Lock your lips in passion at least 10 times a day. Not only it will keep your love life buzzing, but every minute spent kissing will burn 6.4 calories. Ten minutes a day of kissing can burn approximately 23,000 calories in a year...that's the power of love!

Skin care tips for men look young

Skin care tips for men

The new-age mantra is to look young and beautiful always, have a good physique and glowing skin. Anti-ageing creams, cosmetic surgery and television makeovers are ruling the psyche of every man, woman and child today. People are willing to spend huge amounts of money on beauty products and procedures to look and feel younger. The fashion conscious male of the 21dst century too is going to great lengths to feel younger and stay younger.

But, if truth be told, you do not need to spend a fortune on your appearance to look good.

These simple and inexpensive ways will help you look young and feel young.

Keeping your skin looking healthy and young:

Dry skin look dull and makes you feel that too. Use a moisturizer on your face, hands and feet daily to prevent your skin from drying and cracking. A good eye cream will keep the dark circles and wrinkles around the eyes away giving you a fresh look. Always keep a special hand cream at the sink and desk and use periodically, to prevent chaffing and drying especially in cold conditions.

Whitening agent for your teeth:

You can use tooth whiteners to give your teeth a pearly look or ask your dentist to recommend some professional grade options. A whiter and brilliant smile goes a long way in adding allure to your countenance.

Protect yourself from excessive and harmful rays of the sun:

The sun’s rays though in small doses is good, excessive amount of sun can damage your skin and can even lead to skin cancer Always protect yourself with a good sunscreen. It will give your skin glowing and make you look younger

Hair problems:

Ensure that you keep your eyebrows neatly trimmed. Beards and goatees may add to your charm but a clean shaven look makes you look better and younger. Many men have hair sprouting from their ears and noses. Keep these under check through careful trimming. You can pick up an ear and nose hair trimmer at your local drug store. They are simple and easy to use.

The importance of color:

Always wear colors that complement your skin and eyes and those that suit your image.

Managing dark circles under your eyes:

A good night’s sleep and eating healthy will help rid you off your dark circles. For hereditary or chronic problems of dark circles use products such as Hylexin by Bremmen Research Labs. Under-eye concealers can do the trick during emergencies.


Substituting contact lenses, soft, hard or even colored will help you to look attractive, handsome and younger.

Exercising to maintain a good physique:

Try to incorporate some form of exercise in your daily routine, whether it is jogging in the park, running on the treadmill or simply a brisk walk around the neighborhood. Exercise helps you maintain good posture, boosts energy levels, alleviates stress and increases blood flow to keep you looking fit, healthy and young Looking skin.

Know Your Body ( Male Fitness )

There are broadly three body types, and knowing what type you are is absolutely mandatory for understanding the workout and diet you need.

Did you ever notice how some people can eat whatever they want and never put on weight while some gain fat a lot easier? The reason for this is genetics. There are 3 different body types – Endomorph Mesomorph and Ectomorph. Knowing which of these you belong to will help you understand why certain aspects of diet and workout are harder and slower or easier and quicker for you than they are for other people. The main differences between the three types are metabolism speed and bone structure.

ENDOMORPH body types often have big bones, large trunk and thighs. They have a naturally high degree of body fat, especially around the midsection, that is, a pear-shaped body. They usually struggle to control their weight, because of slower metabolism and the inability to exert enough effort to burn the required calories. It's important for the endomorph to eat frequently and keep metabolism high. While a reduction in calories is needed, the basic nutrition needs must still be met in order to retain the lean muscle tissue that burns calories.

Workout: Training for the endomorph body should be fast and higher repetitions. This does not mean low intensity. The goal is to burn as many calories possible while retaining muscle mass.

* Burning calories and fat (aerobic / cardio) should be a priority.
* Opt for activities like circuit and full body strength training.
* Light weight training will do wonders.

Diet: This body type must be very careful with carbohydrates. Make sure that most of the carbs eaten come from complex carbohydrate sources. High protein intake will help in muscle retention. Hydration and fibre-intake are top priority.

MESOMORPH body types are mostly athletic. They are symmetric, have broader shoulders and good posture. As their muscles are powerful, moderate to heavy weights are required to stimulate growth. They are capable of a lot of physical activity. They generally store fat equally in all parts of the body, but can become overweight if they consume high fat and high calorie food. Mesomorph who are overweight have the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Workout: They can use higher reps and lighter weights. They can use advanced techniques like drop sets, circuit training, high-intensity cardio, moderate weights, core and strength training and super sets. Over-training should be avoided, for this body type can be prone to injury.

Diet: This body type needs to include a wide variety of foods.

* Make protein intake a priority to build and sustain strong muscles. One pound of body weight requires 1.5gms or more of protein.
* Increase calorie intake when exercising. Eat slow absorbing carbohydrates like vegetables and brown rice.
* Eat six smaller meals to maintain stamina and metabolism.

ECTOMORPH body types on the other hand are slow gainers. To gain muscles mass effectively, they need to slow down their metabolism to gain strength. To boost muscles mass development, they need to undertake strenuous exercise routines.

Workout: You must choose the exercises that require maximum muscles contraction to get desired results. Also, stretching is a must before any exercises to avoid injuries. Exercise is very important to keep you healthy. Hiking and running are good for you.

Diet: Ectomorphs should increase the calories in their diet and take in a high percentage of proteins and carbohydrates. They should eat frequently. Stay away from salads, raw and cold food that has been in the fridge for a long time.

important sites

10 Healthy Bodybuilding Tips

1. Don’t do anything in jerks.

2. Egg white is good source of protein (contains all types of amino acids). One egg yolk has enough cholesterol to fulfill your daily requirement of cholesterol (Recommended Daily Allowance of Cholesterol is 300 mg ).

3. Milk is another good source of protein. It has a low glycaemic index too.

4. Take plenty of carbohydrates for energy otherwise proteins will be used (you are spending energy in workout).Avoid high Glycaemic index carbohydrates (those which releases glucose rapidly into the bloodstream) such as potatoes and glucose. Most fruits and vegetables (except potatoes, watermelon, carrots), grainy breads, pasta, legumes or pulses, milk, yoghurt (dahi) etc have lowglycaemic index. They produce a stable blood glucose level through slowly releasing glucose into the bloodstream. This prevents insulin spikes which could lead to storage of fat in the body.

5. Space your diet into 6-7 meals instead of the usual 3 meals a day.

6. Do the workout on alternate day so as to allow the muscles to grow (it grows during rest).

7. Take plenty of water.

8. Don't supplement with vitamin pills. Instead take fruits and vegetables sources of vitamins.

9. Your liver enzymes may rise. The enzymes actually come from the artificially
produced microtrauma during workout. When it heals, it does so with a hypertrophy. So don't panic. Inform the doctor that you recently began heavy exercise.

10. Visit a doctor. Get your liver function tests, kidney function tests and lipid profile done, to check you haven't done anything crazy with your diet.Do the exercise regularly to stay strong, fit and healthy.

Updates: Take arginine-rich protein diet 2 hours before exercise.

Last Updated: 4th Feb 2010

Men's Grooming

Men's Grooming

Guys are becoming more conscious these days about their appearance and there are more male personal grooming products on the market than ever. If you are new to the male grooming scene or if you just want to know more about how to keep yourself looking young and in tip top condition, here are some tips to get you started.

Shaving Tips

  • It's best to avoid shaving the very first thing in the morning. If possible, let your skin wake up a while. This allows any puffiness from fluids collecting in your skin during the night to recede. Then you will be able to get a closer shave.
  • Use an exfoliant such as a facial cleanser or mild scrub to eradicate dead skin cells and open up the pores of your skin to prepare it for a close shave.
  • Stubble should be wet with warm or hot water before shaving. This makes the hair shaft swell and allows the blade to cut the hair closely without cutting your skin.
  • Thoroughly massage shaving cream into stubble. A vitamin and Aloe Vera based shaving cream or gel will provide a close, soothing shave and protect against razor rashes and burns.
  • Use a sharp blade. A dull blade is responsible for many shaving cuts as it drags over your face and catches your skin along with the hairs of your beard.
  • Rinse the blade often in hot water when shaving and use slow short strokes. Don't rush.
  • Always shave in the direction that your hair grows on your face. Shaving against the grain can cause redness, rashes, razor burn and ingrown hairs.
  • After shaving, apply an oil-free moisturiser to soothe and protect the face. If you prefer an after-shave, check the label for alcohol.

Avoiding razor burn

The technical term for this condition is pseudofolliculitis barbae (PFB) and the primary cause is shaving with a blade. Men with curly, coarse or even fine hair often experience razor burn or razor bumps after shaving because the hair curls back, punctures the skin and becomes ingrown. You could eliminate the problem by simply growing a beard or rarely shaving. But of course you many not want to do this and unfortunately, for many professional men this is not an option. Here are some tips to help you recover from razor burn:

  • Prep your skin before shaving by using a face scrub to exfoliate and help lift the hairs from under your skin.
  • Liberally wet your face and apply shaving cream. Wait 2-3 minutes before shaving. The use of a shaving cream that contains vitamins and Aloe Vera is preferable over brands which may contain skin irritants such as sodium laurel sulphate.
  • Use a high quality razor and change the blade often. Dull blades are often the cause of skin irritations and shaving nicks.
  • Shave in the direction the hair grows on your face.
  • Do not pick at the bumps, as this tends to make them worse.
  • If possible, take the weekend off from shaving to give the irritation time to improve.
Skin Care
  • Always wear a hydrating sun block with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15.
  • If you've got a problem with mild to moderate acne, opt for alcohol-based topical antibiotics or benzoyl peroxide treatments.
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day to keep your skin hydrated.
  • Trim your nails straight and file out rough edges.
  • Moisturise your skin regularly to keep it young looking and wrinkle free.
  • Get a regular hair cut to look trim and keep your hair in optimum condition.

Nose and Ear Hair

It's an unfortunate reality for men, but they generally start noticing hair begins to sprout from their ears and nose as they age and the chances of them emerging and multiplying increase as you get older. The purpose of this hair is to act as a barrier to prevent unwanted dirt from entering your ears and nose-just as your eye lashes protect your eyes. Remember, your ear and nose hair has always been there, it has only changed its growth pattern over time as a result of hormonal changes in your body. Some hair experts link this growth to the male hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone), although the exact relationship of DHT to nose and ear hair growth is still unclear. The best way to deal with it is to get yourself a good quality hair trimmer. Hair trimmers work in two different ways. Some trimmers feature a rotating blade that spins in one continuous direction, while other trimmers work with an oscillating blade that rotates from left to right. Both types work extremely well.

Keeping Your Teeth White

Everyone likes a brilliant smile. Teeth can become stained for a number of reasons, the most common being consumption of coffee, tea, berries, fruit juices, smoking, and aging. Here are the most common teeth whitening procedures:


Bleaching is done with custom-fitted mouth trays and bleaching gel. The most common active ingredient in tooth bleaching gel is 10% carbamide peroxide, which breaks down into 3% hydrogen peroxide when dispensed. First, your dentist will make impressions of your teeth and create custom mouth guard trays for your mouth. To protect your sensitive gum tissue, (s)he will leave a slight space between the tray and your gums when forming the tray. You'll then be instructed on proper use of the mouth guards and bleaching gel. You'll probably be told to squeeze a thin line of the gel into the mouth guards and wear them for several hours nightly, or even overnight (not to exceed eight hours). You must be consistent in using the gel-apply it nightly usually one to two weeks, without skipping any days. The dentist will compare your teeth with a shade guide, and will probably ask to see you again in a week in order to monitor your progress. The most common side effect associated with bleaching is tooth sensitivity. However, it's generally mild and temporary, usually only lasting as long as the duration of the bleaching procedure.

Whitening Toothpaste

Whitening toothpastes can slowly help remove surface stains and keep yellowing from returning once you've had it bleached away, but by themselves the toothpastes won't cause the quick, dramatic changes you'll see with bleaching.

Lip Care

Your lips have fewer than half the cellular layers of the rest of your face, and no sebaceous glands to provide protective body oils. A good lip balm will preserve this delicate skin. There are many gender-neutral versions out there, and some specifically made for men. Look for natural ingredients like shea butter, vitamin A, jojoba and avocado oil.

Diet For Your Abs

You likely know that when it comes to getting ripped abs, your diet plays an extremely large role. Regardless of what type of program you are following, if you aren’t eating ab foods (which are geared toward helping you lose fat), you aren’t seeing results. It’s really that simple.

You have to push it to get the abs you want. To get defined abs, you’re going to have to obtain very low body fat digits. While you might be able to get chiseled arms and potentially even some leg veins showing when you’re at higher levels, abs are not going to appear as easily.

You’re going to need to tighten up on the diet and only include the ab foods that are specifically geared toward maximum fat loss and muscle maintenance.

Here are the ab foods that should be filling your plate throughout the day.

Low-Sodium Cottage Cheese
Protein is an integral component to a fat-loss diet because it’s the single macronutrient that is going to promote muscle maintenance. You can cut both fat and carbohydrates down, but without enough protein, your results will be less than optimal.

However, all proteins are not alike. When dieting to very low caloric digits, hunger is going to be calling your name. You want to minimize this by selecting ab foods that are going to digest the slowest and keep you satisfied longest. Dieting on ab foods gets tough when 20 minutes after a meal, you’re ready for the next.

Cottage cheese is a terrific source of casein protein -- one of the slowest digesting protein sources out there. When shopping for your cottage cheese, opt for a low-sodium variety. While salt is not necessarily always a bad thing depending on your current health status and the rest of your diet, in the case of abs, we need to minimize water retention as best as possible.

At about 500 mg of sodium per half cup of regular cottage cheese, water retention could prove to be an issue.
If you’ve cut down your carb intake, and as you move toward the 5% to 8% body fat range, hunger will likely be an issue. Your body simply does not like being this lean and it’s going to fight you. Hunger is a good way of doing so.

Further to the point, on diets that are very low in calories (like diets full of ab foods), you are definitely going to be in a catabolic state (tissue breakdown). This can spell trouble for the muscle mass you’ve worked so hard to attain and it needs to be minimized.

The liver is the primary determinant (after total calorie intake) of whether you are in a catabolic or anabolic state. As such, the type of carbohydrates in fruit is treated slightly different than, say, the carbohydrates in rice or bread, and will send a much stronger signal to the liver to not be in a catabolic state.

You may still not be able to cross over into an anabolic state since that’s near impossible if you are eating under maintenance, but you can minimize the damage done to your tissues. Fruit will help you do this; shoot to eat one to two pieces a day.

Apples as ab food work great because they won’t raise blood sugar very much and will supply you with plenty of fiber, which helps with the hunger issue.
Coconut Oil
One type of oil that many people rarely even think about eating is coconut oil, and it can actually be beneficial when added to your selection of ab foods.

More ab foods to bring out that washboard in you…

The primary reason why coconut oil is a good ab food is due to its composure of medium chain triglycerides that are handled by the body differently than most other fats. They are able to be used as energy much quicker than the usual fats are, thus, if you are not eating very many carbohydrates for energy, this can help to prevent that energy slump you experience.

Don’t make the mistake of not factoring the calorie content though, it is a fat and will still supply your body with nine calories per gram. Be sure they are replacing other fats or carbohydrates in your diet, not just added in with the ones currently there.

Another interesting thing about coconut oil is that for the first week or so of consumption, it slightly bumps up the metabolism before the body adapts to it. So, even if you decide not to incorporate it into your plan long-term, using it for a week might just help give your diet that extra kick you need at this point.
Unsweetened Oatmeal
When it comes to the carbohydrates you do take in, you want to make the most of your allotted calories. While there are other sources that are slow digesting, free of sugar and will work for fat loss, oatmeal is going to provide you with more volume per calorie, thus helping you feel full.

At only 147 calories per cup of cooked oatmeal, it beats rice and baked potatoes, which come in at 216 and 180 calories, respectively.

To enhance the flavor of plain oatmeal, try adding in artificial sugar, cinnamon or even mixing in protein powder to really boost the taste and make it more of a complete meal.
Since you’re likely to be eating a lot of salads on your way to getting ripped abs, you need to try to make the most of these. Spinach is a nutritional powerhouse, containing a high amount of carotenoids, such as beta-carotene and lutein, as well as containing quercetin, which is a phytochemical that presents antioxidant effects.

In addition to that, you’ll also get folic acid, vitamin K, magnesium, manganese, and more protein than many of the other vegetable options.

As a side note to your spinach intake: try to eat it cooked once in a while as the cooking process really serves to bring out the antioxidant effects it carries.
Peanut Butter
Peanut butter is one of the foods that many dieters find themselves craving as they progress on their diet. And it can actually be a terrific choice when it comes to food selection in your quest for visible abs.

Two big advantages that peanut butter has to offer are that it is has a very high satiety effect and it is chock-full of healthy fats. It will only take one or two tablespoons to give you hunger control that lasts for hours and help meet your good-fat requirements.

Since you likely won’t be spreading this over a bagel, however, consider mixing it into your oatmeal, using it to create a tasty Thai sauce recipe for your vegetable stir-fry or just eating it plain, as-is.

Be sure when you purchase your peanut butter you look for the natural variety, as they will contain fewer added sugars that can be particularly problematic when trying to lose fat around the waist.
Egg Whites
Finally, the last food you want to make a staple of your ab diet are egg whites. As a quick and relatively cost effect form of protein, they are rapidly digested by the body so your muscle cells can get the amino acids they need.

Additionally, there are a vast number of ways to cook and prepare egg whites, further increasing your meal options while on the diet. As many dieters already know, when meal selection becomes scarce, that’s usually about the same time that dietary adherence also falls by the wayside. Anything that helps to avoid this issue is going to serve to keep you on track. Since they don’t take long to prepare either, this further increases the chance you turn to them rather than a double cheeseburger from your local drive-thru.
So, if getting a set of defined abs is what you’re looking to achieve, make sure at least a few of these foods are a regular part of your day. Unless you devote a good amount of attention to your diet and then match this with the energy you put forth to follow your plan, you aren’t going to get the results you’re looking for.

Tips for Men Lip Care:

  1. Use a lip balm. A good quality lip balm usually contains moisturizing agents such as jojoba oil, Shea butter. Vitamin E is also included to maintain the lips healthy. In addition to all this, most lip balms also contain sunscreen of SPF6 or more to protect the lips from the sun.
  2. Fruits and Vegetables leads to healthy lips bcoz they contain vitamins which are very necessary for us. These vitamins help in remain the skin healthy and also give a good look to the lips.
  3. Drink a lot of water. Less intake of water leads to chapped lips. So,one should drink 8 to 10 glasses of water for healthy lips.

  4. Avoid smoking and try to decrease the drinking capacity of alcohol. Smoking can cause lip wrinkles, while alcohol can dried out your lips. One should have to give up smoking and alcohol to keep their lips healthy and lovely.

  5. Exfoliate your lips. Using a brush, you can get rid of the lifeless skin around your lips. Before or after your brush, rinse your lips using the toothbrush. Rinse the areas outside and on the lips. This will remove the dead skin and maintain your lips healthy.

  6. By using Suncreens men can protect their lips from harmful and dangerous Ultra Violet Rays.

Bodybuilding Beginners Leg Workout

bodybuilding beginners Part 5 leg workout

The Essential Warm-up

Warming up prior to every weight training session is an absolute must and should never be missed. The warming up phase increases blood circulation and gently prepares and stretches the muscles tendons and ligaments in a controlled fashion prior to the main body of the workout. All of this means that once you have warmed up your muscles you will be able to lift heavier weights than from cold without the risk of injuries. Summer is coming and the shorts will be coming out so lets get started and get those sweeping thighs!!

  • Squats
    This is probably the most beneficial exercise for the whole of the body. Intense stress is imparted on the thighs, quadriceps, buttocks and hamstrings. So do not miss this exercise. Start with a barbell loaded with moderately heavy weight on squat racks. Bend your legs and dip under the bar so that the bar rests on the back of your neck with your hands shoulder width apart. Now straighten your legs with the effect of pushing up the bar and steadily take a step back so that you are clear of the racks. Place your feet shoulder width apart with your feet slightly angled outwards.It is important that through the course of the exercise you keep your head up and focus at a spot on the wall at eye level throughout.Slowly lower the weight by bending your knees out over your toes keeping your back straight as you do so, squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor then without bouncing or jerking return to the upright position. Do 5 sets of squats per leg workout building up the weights as you do.

  • Leg Presses
    Very similar top squats in the fact that this exercise places intense stress on the thighs, quadriceps, buttocks and hamstrings. You can perform this exercise on a flat leg press or an angled press both give excellent results. Sit on the leg press with your arms grasping the support levers, place your feet flat on the lifting pad ankles 12v inches apart toes facing slightly outward. Now press with your legs raising the sliding platform until your legs are straight and rotate in the stop bars of the machine. In a controlled fashion lower the sliding platform by bending the knees resisting the weight on the way down and without bouncing return to the starting position with your legs straight. Perform 4 sets again increasing the weight each time.

  • Leg Extensions
    This is an excellent isolation exercise for the quadriceps, ideal for burning in those deep cuts. Sit on the leg extension machine select a reasonably light weight to begin with. Hook your feet under the bottom set of pads if the machine has two, and firmly hold the bench with your arms. Using your quad power raise the weight slowly by straightening your legs do not jerk, bounce or swing your body back use a controlled movement. When your legs are straight tense the quads for a complete second then lower the weight again in a controlled fashion. Perform 3 sets of this exercise increasing the weight each time.

Sunday, June 13, 2010



* You can mix one-tablespoon cranberry sauce juice with two tablespoons Vaseline for a delicious home made lip balm.

* Apply the juice of lemon skin for avoiding black colour of lips

* Massage your lips with coriander leaf juice for soft and rosy lips.

Some excercises to make your lips more beautiful:

Hold your lips together, without clenching your teeth.

Put the tip of your index finger in between your upper and lower lips.

Press lips together and visualize your finger as a stick that is being crushed.

Gradually, pull out your finger from between the lips, while seeing the stick.

Draw the energy point out and lengthen your imaginary stick until you feel the burn.

Pulse your finger up and down quickly for a count of 30.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Yoga moves for that perfect Body!

Thousands of years ago, a man sat with his eyes closed, deep in meditation, yet aware of the connection between all beings. When he opened his eyes, he noticed a beautiful, strong tree. But instead of breaking the meditative state and experiencing the tree as "over there," he had a shift in perception.

He saw, for the first time, that there was no separation between himself and the tree. They were made of the same molecules, they breathed the same air, and they could not live without one another -- they actually were the same being in different physical forms.

Sara Ivanhoe, Yoga Instructor/writer, "Like the lotus flower that grows out of the mud, I feel totally grounded here, that I can bloom completely,"
In other words, he and the tree were one. This was a moment of identification, connection, and unity. It was yoga. Overwhelmed by this feeling of "tree-ness," he could no longer keep it confined in his mind. This feeling of union had to take a physical form.

The man spontaneously stood up, balanced on one leg, and shot his arms into the air in a passionate expression of the bhav (feeling) of the tree. He had channeled his tree-ness, and was so overtaken with compassionate feeling that he couldn’t help but spring into the pose to experience being the tree: "I know how it feels to be you, it feels like this..." This was the beginning of hatha yoga.

Beyond words, yoga is the experience of union that we once thought was outside ourselves. The yogis pictured here went on a personal journey within to channel their own nature of asana. And because the focus of this issue is on our environment, we especially wanted to explore yoga’s connection to nature.

Sara Ivanhoe, Yoga Instructor/writer. "I am the tree! The tree is me!" says she. This redwood tree, planted in 1908, will turn 100 years old next year. Special thanks to Gary Deutschman for the use of his home.

eEka Pada Rajakapotasana (Pigeon pos) Keshni Kashyap, writer

"Pigeon opens my hips and makes me feel creative!" says she.

Simhasana (Lion pose) Ross, yoga instructor.

"It's all good. Yoga feels good and it's fun!" says he

Vatayanasana (Horse pose) Schein, yoga instructor

"I love Horse because it’s a deep hip-and-shoulder opener. As a balancing pose, it also challenges me to focus on my drishti. It’s fun to incorporate hips, shoulders, drishti, and balance into one posture."

Garudasana (Eagle pose)
Kahshanna Evans, Actress, upcoming indie film The Wrong Hands, her first lead.

"I love Eagle Pose! I love that an eagle connects the ‘heavens’ to the earth. There is something empowering in journeying between the God and the Goddess, connecting and understanding, receiving inspiration from both...uh, oh, now I sound like a real hippie! I feel strong, rooted, and still very feminine when I rock my Eagle Pose."

Parsva bakasana (Side crow) Vinnie Marino, yoga instructor

"It's a little bit like taking flight..."

Ardha chandrasana (Half moon pose) Tom Morley, yoga instructor

"I like Half Moon Pose because I feel like I'm flying for a moment. I actually feel the transition from effort to effortlessness.

Krouhancsana (Heron pose)
Sofia Vassilieva, actress on NBC hit series Medium

"The heron is an intense stretch that restores my inner balance, releases tension in the body and mind, and opens the heart."

nasana (Upward facing dog) Maxine Bahns, actress/certified yoga work instructor

"I love the way I feel in Upward Facing Dog. My chest and shoulders are open, allowing me to take a deep breath. And, at the same time, my spine is elongated and flexed, which helps with the lower back pain I sometimes get from cycling and running. It’s a gentle backbend that fires up the whole body."

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